Life is full of voices. Some whisper, some shout. They come from the news, social media, friends, family, even from deep within ourselves. At times, these voices create a tangled web of confusion, leaving us uncertain about what is true, what is right, and what we should believe.

I have walked through seasons of deep confusion. Moments when I didn’t know if I was making the right decision, trusting the right people, or believing the right things. And if I’m honest, there were times I wanted to take the easiest path, to believe whatever felt good in the moment.

But the words of 1 John 4:1-2 reminded me that not every spirit, not every voice, is from God.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God.”

This passage became an anchor for me when my thoughts were clouded with uncertainty. It teaches a simple but profound truth: not everything we hear, feel, or even think is from God. We are called to test the spirits, to measure what we encounter against God’s Truth.

A few years ago, I found myself at a crossroads. I had a big decision to make.

One that would affect my future, my relationships, and my Faith. On one hand, I felt drawn toward a certain path because it seemed promising, and logical.

But on the other hand, there was something in my spirit that felt unsettled.

People around me had different opinions. Some encouraged me to take the opportunity, insisting it was a blessing. Others cautioned me, telling me to be careful. And then there was my own inner battle, was this truly God’s plan for me, or was I simply chasing something that looked good but wasn’t really for me?

I remember sitting in my quiet time one night, exhausted from all the conflicting thoughts. In my frustration, I prayed, “God, I don’t know what’s right. I don’t know what’s from You and what isn’t. Help me see clearly.”

And then, as if nudging my heart, I felt led to open my Bible to 1 John 4:1-2. It was a simple yet powerful reminder: test the spirits.

I started asking myself a few key questions:

• Does this align with God’s Word?

• Does it draw me closer to Jesus, or does it pull me away?

• Does it bring peace, or does it bring anxiety and confusion?

• Is it rooted in Truth, or is it wrapped in deception?

Slowly, clarity began to come. I realized that while the opportunity looked confusing on the outside, it was actually very clear in Light of God’s Word. It required me to step out in Faith in ways I had never done before.

The confusion was actually my emotions playing on my fears rather than my trust in God.

That night, I made my decision. I stepped into a great opportunity and have never regretted my decision. In the months that followed, God opened doors I never expected, ones that were undeniably from Him.

John’s warning in this passage isn’t just about personal decisions; it’s about the bigger picture, also. We live in a world where many false voices claim to speak truth. Some sound convincing, even spiritual, but they distort the heart of the Gospel.

Some say Jesus was just a good teacher, but the Bible declares He is the Son of God who came in the flesh.

Some say truth is whatever we feel, but God’s Word says He alone is the ultimate standard.

Some promise peace and happiness apart from God, but true peace only comes through Christ.

It’s easy to be led astray when we aren’t anchored in truth. That’s why testing the spirits is so vital. Just because something sounds good doesn’t mean it’s from God. And just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s right.

Clarity can only come through God’s Word.

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that clarity isn’t found in emotions, in the approval of others, or in what seems right in the moment. Clarity comes from God’s Word.

Whenever I feel lost, I go back to God and the leading of His Holy Spirit. He is my filter, my guide, and my foundation. And every time, He cuts through the noise and brings me back to Truth.

If you’re in a season of confusion, I encourage you to do the same. Before making a decision, before believing a voice, before accepting something as truth, test it against God’s Word. Ask Him to give you discernment. He will always lead you with clarity when you seek Him with a sincere heart.

Looking back, I’m grateful for the moments of confusion because they led me to a deeper reliance on God. I’ve learned that not every open door is from Him, not every voice speaks truth, and not every feeling is to be followed. But God’s Word never fails.

So today, if you’re feeling uncertain, take a deep breath and pause. Bring your questions to God. Hold everything up against His Word. And trust that as you seek Him, He will lead you from confusion to clarity.


