When You Feel Surrounded
There are moments in life when it feels like everything is closing in around you. Problems stack up like walls, fears loom like shadows, and no matter which way you turn, there seems to be no way out. You feel stuck, outnumbered, and overwhelmed.
But there is more to the story than what your eyes can see.
In 2 Kings 6, the prophet Elisha’s servant woke up one morning to a terrifying sight, an army surrounding their city, armed with horses and chariots. Panic seems to have gripped him. “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” he cried.
Elisha, calm and steady, responded with words that has echoed through time: “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.”
The young servant must have thought, What is he talking about? From where he stood, it was just the two of them against an entire army. But Elisha saw something his servant couldn’t at that moment.
So he prayed, “Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see.”
And in that moment, everything changed. The servant’s eyes were opened to a reality beyond his physical eyes. The hills were filled with heavenly horses and chariots of fire. God’s army was surrounding them. What had once looked like certain defeat was, in truth was divine protection.
This story should remind you of a powerful truth: you are never as alone as you feel.
So often, we focus on what is right in front of us. The bills that need to be paid, the bad news we didn’t see coming, the struggles that seem bigger than our strength., and like Elisha’s servant, we panic, asking, “What shall I do?”
But notice Elisha’s response; “Look Again”.
Just because you can’t see the solution doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because you feel alone doesn’t mean you are. God’s presence, His power, and His protection are always around you, even when you don’t realize it.
Maybe right now, you’re standing in front of what feels like an impossible situation.
It’s easy to believe what your eyes see. But faith invites you to trust in what you cannot see. Believe that God is working behind the scenes.
Elisha’s first words to his servant were, “Fear not.”
Fear has a way of magnifying our problems and minimizing our faith. It convinces us that we are outnumbered, outmatched, and out of options. It tells us that we are alone, forgotten, or too weak to overcome.
But the reality is much different, and you can only see that through Spiritual Eyes.
Fear says, You are surrounded by trouble.
God says, You are surrounded by Me.
Fear says, There is no way out.
God says, I have already made a way.
Fear says, You are losing this battle.
God says, This battle belongs to Me.
So what if, instead of focusing on the problem, we asked God to open your eyes?
What if you saw your difficulties not as the end of the road but as an opportunity to witness God’s faithfulness?
What if you believed that no matter how outnumbered you feel, God’s presence outweighs any enemy, any crisis, and any fear?
In times of trouble, you have a choice. You can either focus on the enemy in front of you, or you can trust the God who stands beside you.
When Elisha’s servant’s eyes were opened, he didn’t see the enemy disappear. The army was still there. But now he knew the truth, God’s forces were greater.
Likewise, faith doesn’t always remove our problems, it just changes how we see them.
Sometimes, we expect God to remove all trouble from our lives, but He often chooses instead to surround us with His protection in the middle of it.
Here in 2 Kings, God didn’t make the enemies army disappear, He simply revealed that His own army was greater.
God’s protection isn’t always about taking the battle away. Sometimes, it’s about showing you that you’re not fighting it alone.
The same God who surrounded Elisha with heavenly chariots surrounds you today.
Just Open your eyes and remember: They that be with you are more than they that be with them.